


Tech Stack

WordPress, PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3


2019 – 2021

Project Overview

Daung, an online marketplace, sought to enhance their WordPress ClassiPress theme with additional functionalities to improve transaction security and shipping accuracy. They needed custom plugins to introduce an escrow system and dynamic shipping rates for vendors. IconiThemes was tasked with developing these enhancements using WordPress, PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3.


  • Enhance the WordPress ClassiPress theme by developing custom plugins for an escrow system and dynamic shipping rates for vendors.

Actions Taken

Development of Custom Escrow System Plugin

Developed a custom plugin that introduced an escrow system for transactions. This system included a 15-day hold period and provided approval/rejection capabilities for both clients and vendors. The escrow system ensured secure and reliable transactions, protecting both buyers and sellers.

Development of Dynamic Shipping Rates Plugin

Created a custom plugin to calculate dynamic shipping rates based on the vendor’s location and package weight. This plugin provided accurate shipping costs for buyers at checkout, enhancing transparency and trust in the marketplace.

Integration with ClassiPress Theme

Integrated both custom plugins seamlessly with the existing ClassiPress theme. Ensured that the new features were fully functional and compatible with the theme’s existing components.

User Interface Design

Designed user-friendly interfaces for both plugins using HTML5 and CSS3. The interfaces were intuitive, making it easy for vendors and buyers to use the new features without any technical knowledge.

Testing and Optimization

Conducted comprehensive testing to ensure the plugins functioned correctly under various scenarios. Optimized the code for performance and reliability, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Documentation and Support

Provided detailed documentation for the plugins, outlining their features and usage instructions. Offered ongoing support to address any issues and ensure the smooth operation of the new functionalities.


  • Secure Transactions: The custom escrow system enhanced transaction security by holding funds for 15 days and allowing both parties to approve or reject transactions.
  • Accurate Shipping Costs: The dynamic shipping rates plugin provided buyers with accurate shipping costs based on vendor location and package weight, improving transparency and trust.
  • Improved User Experience: The seamless integration and user-friendly interfaces of the plugins enhanced the overall user experience for both vendors and buyers on the Daung platform.

Need similar results for your business?

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