Inbox Raja


Inbox Raja

Tech Stack

Laravel, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3



Project Overview

Inbox Raja, a leader in email marketing solutions, required a CRM system to automate the email warmup process. The goal was to enhance email deliverability and engagement by gradually increasing email sending volume and interactions, ensuring emails reach the inbox instead of the spam folder. IconiThemes was tasked with developing this system using Laravel, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3.


  • Develop an automated email warmup CRM system using Laravel to improve email deliverability and engagement.

Actions Taken

CRM System Development

Developed a comprehensive CRM system using Laravel and PHP to automate the email warmup process. The system was designed to manage multiple email accounts and campaigns simultaneously, gradually increasing email sending volume and interactions over time.

Automated Email Warmup Process

Implemented algorithms to simulate natural email interactions, including opening emails, replying, and marking as important. This gradual warmup process helped improve sender reputation and ensure emails land in the inbox.

Database Management

Utilized MySQL for efficient data storage and management. The database was structured to handle large volumes of email data, track email interactions, and manage campaign progress.

User Interface Design

Designed an intuitive and user-friendly interface using HTML5 and CSS3. The UI allowed users to easily configure email warmup settings, monitor progress, and generate reports.

Integration and Optimization

Integrated various email service provider APIs to ensure seamless email sending and tracking. Optimized the system for performance, ensuring it could handle high volumes of email traffic without compromising efficiency.

Testing and Quality Assurance

Conducted extensive testing to ensure the system functioned correctly under different scenarios. This included testing email deliverability, interaction algorithms, and overall system performance.


  • Improved Email Deliverability: The automated email warmup process significantly improved email deliverability rates, ensuring emails reached the inbox instead of the spam folder.
  • Enhanced Engagement Rates: By simulating natural email interactions, the system increased email engagement rates, boosting the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns.
  • Efficient Management: The CRM system provided a streamlined interface for managing email warmup campaigns, allowing users to easily configure settings and monitor progress.

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